The management level has sector managers in Education, Community Managed Micro Finance, Food Security/livelihoods and Peace.
These are supported by sector officers in Education, Food Security, WASH, HIV and AIDS, Monitoring and Evaluation (M and E), Finance, ICT, Procurement and Logistics.
Currently it has a contracted staff portfolio of 217 and operates from four field offices: Nimule, Terekeka, Morobo and Gok Machar. The sectors in which it has the largest portfolio of staff are mainly education (FAL, ALS and Girl Education) and WASH. Its funding portfolio grew from $604,900 in 2012 to $2.2 million in 2015.
The organisation works with partners drawn from among United Nations (UN) agencies, such as UNICEF, FAO and UNDP. It has partners drawn from the ACT Alliance, among them DCA, ICCO and Christian Aid. Other partners include NEPAD, IGAD, World Bank (SSAC/IRAPP), UNDP-CHF, the French Embassy and STROMME Foundation. STROMME Foundation draws in funding from NORAD, DFID, ERIK and LM.
CARE South Sudan is well known for handling aspects of food security, education, WASH, health and some emergency response actions. For 2015, CARE South Sudan was funded by 8 partners namely, STROMME Foundation, Christian Aid, UN-FAO, UNDP-CHF, DCA, ICCO, UNICEF and World Bank (SSAC/IRAPP).
Previous partners who have worked with CARE South Sudan in the past include NEPAD, USAID/FHI360, French Embassy, INDP/BRAC, OFDA/CHF, CESVI, SDC, CIDA Canada, and Saferworld. In total, CARE South Sudan has interacted with 17 different funding partners.
CARE South Sudan is a key partner to STROMME Foundation and DanChurchAid and it participates in the partner forums drawn from both South Sudan and the Eastern Africa region. This has placed it in a wider active network aligned to other such networks as the global ACT Alliance. Its work with IGAD, NEPAD and World Bank signifies a unique collaboration the organization has, from which it can build multi-lateral links and networks.
- To strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities affected by climate change to better respond to and cope with climate change
- To establish robust M&E system, document results for decision making, learning and dissemination among stakeholders.